Veronica Chernukha

Patients from all over the world sign up for treatment with Dr. Chernukha. The doctor is constantly improving her knowledge, following the achievements of world medicine, plus she herself is making a significant contribution to the development of her field of medical interest.
Zoan Dutan

Dr. Zoan Dutan has established himself as a highly qualified expert of international standing for consultation and excellent treatment of patients with diseases in the field of uro-oncology.
Julia Greenberg

Dr. Julia Greenberg is Israel’s leading oncologist, a world-renowned specialist in chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Ilya Pekarsky

Dr. Ilya Pekarsky is Israel’s leading orthopedic surgeon of international renown, M.D. Main specialization – surgical treatment of spine: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, all types of fractures of the spine, pinched nerve, degenerative disc disease, spinal tumors. More than 25 years of experience
Dov Weinberger

Professor Dov Weinberger is a respected expert in the field of ophthalmology. The professor’s main field of activity is the treatment of retinal pathologies through surgical methods.
Or Kaiserman

Professor Or Kaiserman is a highly qualified expert in the field of ophthalmology and eye surgery. He treats a wide range of ophthalmic diseases with innovative surgical methods.
Shpirer Abraham

Professor Shpirer Abraham is an internationally qualified ophthalmologist with unquestionable authority in the treatment of eye diseases in children and adults.
David Raderman

Dr. David Raderman is a reputable plastic surgeon who performs a huge range of surgeries on patients all over the world. His total surgical experience amounts to more than 25 years, during which he flawlessly performs the most complex surgeries with admirable results.
Dean Adel

Dr. Dean Adele is a respected expert in the field of plastic surgery who specializes in virtually all types of surgery in this area of medicine. He belongs to the category of professionals who are directly involved in the development of scientific and technological breakthroughs
Eyal Winkler

Dr. Eyal Winkler – masterly performs the most complex plastic surgeries on patients from all over the world. He is an international specialist who uses only proven and reliable surgical techniques.