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Early diagnosis improves prognosis for survival and even complete recovery

At what age should I have a mammogram? What is the difference between a colonoscopy and a fecal occult blood test? Can 50 diseases be detected by a simple blood test? What examinations can detect tumors at an early stage and save lives? Let’s get this straight.
Early diagnosis of cervical tumors(sartan tsvar ha-rechem)
In 99% of cases, cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is sexually transmitted. Currently, there is a test aimed at detecting the DNA of this virus (DNA HPV). If the test results require additional examinations, a PAP smear is taken. The combination of these two diagnostic methods allows detection of precancerous changes in the cervix. The Ministry of Health recommends that women 25-65 years old take a cervical smear ) once every 3 years or as directed by their doctor. Alas, only 50% of women of appropriate age undergo this examination.
Early diagnosis of breast cancer
A well-known screening examination that allows you to detect a tumor at an early stage is a mammogram. For women without a hereditary history of the disease or special risk factors, mammograms are recommended between the ages of 35 and 74. It should be done every 2 years.Mammography is a quick x-ray of breast tissue. It can detect neoplasms in the breast at very early stages, when they cannot yet be felt. Mammography coverage rates are higher than those for other screening exams. Awareness of this procedure has increased in recent years, but not all women apply for the examination, and there are groups of the population where the proportion is very low.
Early detection of breast tumors can save the life of women in 90% or more cases.
Early diagnosis of lung cancer In recent years, many treatments have been developed for the disease, especially in the early stages, so early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of survival. These days, most patients are diagnosed with this tumor when it has already metastasized.Starting in 2022, the Ministry of Health began an experiment in early diagnosis of lung cancer with the participation of hospital cashiers. This is a A low-dose computed tomography (CT)-based examination of the chest. It is for smokers or those who have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years. It is important to note that an important measure for preventing lung cancer (as well as several other tumors) is quitting smoking.
Early diagnosis of colorectal cancer Among the important forms of examinations we should mention the fecal occult blood test. This simple examination can save a life. Often hidden bleeding is the first symptom of an early stage colon tumor. Detection of precancerous growths (polyps) in the large intestine gives an opportunity to remove them before they develop into a malignant tumor. It is important to remember that early diagnosis of colon cancer significantly increases the likelihood of cure. The Ministry of Health recommends this examination for people 40-74 years old who have no additional risk factors. In certain cases where there is polyposis, inflammatory disease of the large intestine, or close first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) who have a tumor of the large intestine, colonoscopy is recommended – it allows examination of the rectum and the rest of the intestine. A flexible tube with a camera on the end is inserted into the intestine through the anus. This examination is not recommended for the general population; it is considered invasive and requires preparation. The coverage rate for early colon cancer screening procedures is only 66-68%.According to the Cancer Association, one-third of those screened with a positive fecal occult blood test do not complete it with a colonoscopy, which increases their risk of developing and dying from a colon tumor by dozens of percent. Delaying colonoscopy after finding hidden blood in the feces increases both the risk of developing the disease itself and the risk of death: a delay of 2 months increases by 33%, and a delay of a year by 66%.