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Once and for all: what free tests in Israel save you from cancer

Early diagnosis improves prognosis for survival and even complete recovery At what age should I have a mammogram? What is the difference between a colonoscopy and a fecal occult blood test? Can 50 diseases be detected by a simple blood test? What examinations can detect tumors at an early stage and save lives? Let’s get […]

Israel is one of the leading countries in cancer treatment

The earliest diagnosis of the cancer process using biomarkers is the basis of the timely start of treatment in Israeli clinics. Every year, more and more million-dollar grants provide the science to fight cancer. With the hard work of Israeli oncologists and scientists, cancer therapy is becoming increasingly targeted and selective. Selective internal radiation therapy […]

Israeli doctor: smokers don’t just quit cigarettes, they need an alternative

Smokers often suffer from the consequences of their addiction, but they don’t quit just because they smoke, even if doctors strongly recommend it. Dr. Dov Gavish, an atherosclerosis specialist at Shearei Tzedek Hospital, tells this story in his own column in Israel Hayom newspaper. Gavish explains that he often asked patients to stop smoking, but […]

Israel is one of the leading developers of modern diagnostic equipment

So, digital mammography, advanced by Israeli radiologists, enhances the visualization of breast tissue to millimeters, which allows you to notice the smallest neoplasms at the earliest stages. So-called 3D coronography provides a detailed spatial image of the heart vessels for more accurate diagnosis of coronary heart disease. The first computed tomography machine designed specifically for […]

The abolition of PCR tests for entry into Israel came into force on 21.5.2022

The Ministry of Health informs: since 5/21/2022 PCR tests at entry to Israel for Israelis and foreigners will be abolished. In addition, foreigners will not have to undergo a PCR test or an antigen test before boarding a flight. As a result of the decrease in the incidence of coronavirus, as of May 21, 2022 […]

Cancer fears a healthy lifestyle

We are told about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but few people stick to it. After all, a healthy lifestyle includes not only giving up alcohol and nicotine.