Medical tourism is a branch of tourism for foreigners coming for treatment. Over the past few years, this industry has gained enormous popularity in developed countries. This is due to the undoubted advantages of treatment abroad, because it is here that medical services are of unsurpassed quality.
Hospitals in Israel are known for their unparalleled level of professionalism and highly qualified staff of specialists who have extensive experience and have received serious training and education in leading clinics around the world. More and more patients from different countries are coming to Israel to receive medical services and enjoy the authentic atmosphere of the country.
Travelling abroad for medical purposes
The Assuta Medical Tourism Center is the largest medical facility in Israel, which also holds a leading position worldwide. Patients are treated here using the latest generation of equipment along with progressive medical technologies and techniques. This is what makes it possible to always achieve tremendous results in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. The hospital is actively introducing progressive methods and various revolutionary innovations, which allows the hospital to remain a medical center of international scope. Assuta’s medical staff includes more than 1,500 specialists, who have impressive experience in all fields of medicine.
Assuta Medical Center cares for all patients not only from Israel, but also citizens of Western and Eastern countries. The main goal in providing services is to be able to make the process of receiving medical care as comfortable as possible for the patient.
Medical tourism involves the organization of these processes, which includes many responsible services that take the burden off the patient’s shoulders. In brief, these services include: constant accompaniment by a staff member acting as an interpreter; ensuring contact with the treatment staff; transfers and more.
Advantages of treatment in Israel
Israeli medicine is known as a dynamic, competitive system aimed at success and results. Since its founding, Israel has rapidly developed its health care system, which today allows it to occupy a high position in terms of medical care and technical equipment around the world. Help is provided here that combines the criteria of high quality and reasonable prices.
Israel has a well-developed biotechnology industry, which makes it possible to introduce the latest technologies and methods into clinical practice earlier than in other countries.
On top of all this we can say that Israel is a beautiful country with its unique history, landscape features and many holy places. It is here that you can get high quality medical services, as well as enjoy the unique atmosphere and scenic beauty of the country.