Israel’s Assuta Hospital is a great example of what the level of medical care in general should be like. All necessary equipment is used here, which allows for quality treatment, and most importantly – comprehensive diagnostics, the results of which provide 100% accuracy. And as you know, timely and accurate diagnosis directly affects the outcome of treatment.

Why do you need diagnostics?
In the normal course of life, each person may encounter various discomfort sensations not previously noted, such as: aching pains in certain parts of the body; fatigue; reduced work activity; shortness of breath; sudden weight loss or gain, etc. In most cases, people continue to consider themselves healthy and, depending on the severity of their symptoms, do not give them much weight.
However, the moment of the first ailments is the best time to be examined and identify the cause of the painful condition. Diagnostic procedures allow you to identify not only the cause of the disorder, but also to assess the condition of other organs and health in general.
The exact diagnosis is determined through a series of tests within the same Assuta hospital. It uses high-tech equipment of the latest generation, which completely eliminates the possibility of misdiagnosis. Depending on the patient’s complaints, the scope of the examination is determined.
List of diagnostic procedures at Assuta Hospital
Basic Universal Procedures:
- Ultrasound of internal organs;
- Mammography;
- Radiological examination;
- General analysis of blood and urine;
- Biochemical blood test;
- Echocardiography.
Specific procedures:
- Stress echocardiography (study of organs under the influence of dosed physical loads and control of echocardiography);
- Isotopic bone scanning;
- Assessment of thyroid function;
- Anemia test;
- Blood tests for cancer markers;
A program of diagnostic tests for men:
- Consultation with a qualified urologist-specialist;
- Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity;
- Intravenous urography;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys;
- Blood test for PSA is an oncomarker of prostate disease;
- Final appointment with a specialist therapist (analysis of the diagnostic program data and written conclusion).
A program of diagnostic tests for women:
- An appointment with a gynecologist and a physical examination;
- Mammography;
- Biopsy of pathological tissue;
- Hormone tests;
- Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
- Human papillomavirus research;
- Cervical smear.
Diagnosis in diabetes mellitus:
- Consultation with an endocrinologist;
- Kidney vascular consultation;
- Doppler sonography of the arteries of the lower extremities;
- Doppler sonography of renal vessels.
Diagnosis in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
- Colonoscopy and biopsy;
- Gastroscopy;
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs;
Diagnostics in cardiologic diseases:
- Coronary angiography;
- Doppler of blood vessels in the neck;
- Stress IVF cardiography.
Diagnostic procedure programs at Assuta Hospital

Today, the Assuta Hospital has several diagnostic service packages that include all the necessary methods that exist in world medical practice.
Silver Check-Up Program
This package is a basic body research program that includes:
- Consultation examination by a specialist – during which a medical history is studied, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes an initial examination;
- Comprehensive laboratory examination – general and biochemical blood tests; urinalysis; additional blood tests (PSA, lipids, oncomarkers, etc.);
- PCA blood test – allows you to detect malignant prostate disease at an early stage;
- Laboratory examination of fecal occult blood – allows to diagnose a malignant process in the intestinal part;
- Lung X-ray examination – lateral and direct projection, transcription of the obtained X-ray and radiologist’s report;
- Spirometry test – allows you to check the condition of the lungs;
- Visit an otolaryngologist to assess the degree of sensitivity of the auditory analyzer;
- An appointment with an ophthalmologist – evaluation of intraocular pressure, as well as the condition of the fundus and visual acuity;
- Electrocardiogram, ergometry – study of the heart muscle under load and rest conditions;
- Appointment with a cardiologist – examination of the results of cardiac tests by a specialist, as well as their transcription and further monitoring;
- HIV test (if desired by the patient);
- The final appointment with a nutritionist is a consultation with a specialist and recommendations for a balanced diet.
For women, additional consultations are conducted with a mammologist and a gynecologist.
The cost of the diagnostic program “Silver Check-up” – check with a medical representative.
Golden Check-Up Program
This package is a more in-depth body research program that includes:
- Specialist examination – physical examination, as well as review of anamnesis;
- Dermatoscopy – allows you to identify various pathological processes in the skin;
- Spirometry is a study of lung function;
- Audiometric hearing examination;
- Stress echocardiography;
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvis, abdomen, and thyroid gland;
- General urinalysis – determination of protein and glucose levels; and the presence of blood epithelial cells;
- Testing of inflammatory markers and latent processes;
- Blood tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C;
- Study for anemia and vitamin profile;
- Thyroid function check, based on blood test results;
- Testing for serological markers – detecting the presence of malignant processes;
- General blood test – which determines the exact level of platelets and hemoglobin; there is also a hematocrit test; RBC test; white blood cell fractions;
- Complete biochemical blood test – analysis of acid phosphatase; determination of uric acid, bilirubin, albumin, globulin, sodium potassium, calcium, enzyme transaminase; assessment of the functionality of organs and systems; blood glucose content; creatinine analysis; renal status determination; liver enzymes study;
- Electrocardiogram.
The diagnostic program may include additional examinations:
- For women: examination and consultation of a gynecologist-specialist; cervical smear; ultrasound of internal genitalia; HPV analysis; mammography;
- For men: examination and consultation with a urologist; detection of prostate disease at an early stage by TRUSI; treatment of erectile dysfunction and other sexological problems; examination of test results and receipt of a written report.
The cost of the diagnostic program “Golden Check-up” – check with a medical representative.
Platinum Check-Up Program
This package is a complete body examination that includes the following procedures:
- The first appointment with a specialist is a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and a diagnostic program;
- No-load electrocardiogram;
- Dermatoscopy;
- Spirometry;
- ENT examination;
- A complex of gastroenterological examinations – consultation with a specialist, colonoscopy and gastroscopy;
- Stress echocardiography;
- Gastrointestinal examinations;
- Ultrasound of the pelvis, carotid arteries, thyroid gland, and abdomen;
- Comprehensive laboratory analysis of urine;
- Genetic research – determination of abnormalities of hereditary nature;
- Analysis for inflammatory markers – CRP, CRP, ESR;
- Blood tests for hepatitis B and C;
- Checking for anemia and vitamin profile;
- Thyroid function study;
- Analysis for serological markers;
- Complete blood count;
- General blood test.
Also, additional examinations may be ordered:
- For women: gynecological consultation and examination; cervical smear; vaginal ultrasound; HPV analysis; mammography;
- For men: consultation with a urologist; detection of prostate disease at an early stage by TRUSI; treatment of erectile dysfunction and other sexological problems; study of test results and obtaining a written conclusion.
The cost of the diagnostic program “Golden Check-up” – check with a medical representative.
At the conclusion of any diagnostic program, the patient consults a specialist to decipher the results of tests and make the most optimal treatment program. It should be noted that all diagnostic procedures are performed on modern equipment using proven protocols and in accordance with the strictest medical standards of the world.