The leading private clinic in Israel
round-the-clock support service

Israel’s Assuta Hospital is a great example of what the level of medical care in general should be like. All necessary equipment is used here, which allows for quality treatment, and most importantly – comprehensive diagnostics, the results of which provide 100% accuracy. And as you know, timely and accurate diagnosis directly affects the outcome of treatment.

Why do you need diagnostics?

In the normal course of life, each person may encounter various discomfort sensations not previously noted, such as: aching pains in certain parts of the body; fatigue; reduced work activity; shortness of breath; sudden weight loss or gain, etc. In most cases, people continue to consider themselves healthy and, depending on the severity of their symptoms, do not give them much weight.

However, the moment of the first ailments is the best time to be examined and identify the cause of the painful condition. Diagnostic procedures allow you to identify not only the cause of the disorder, but also to assess the condition of other organs and health in general.

The exact diagnosis is determined through a series of tests within the same Assuta hospital. It uses high-tech equipment of the latest generation, which completely eliminates the possibility of misdiagnosis. Depending on the patient’s complaints, the scope of the examination is determined.

List of diagnostic procedures at Assuta Hospital

Basic Universal Procedures:

Specific procedures:

A program of diagnostic tests for men:

A program of diagnostic tests for women:

Diagnosis in diabetes mellitus:

Diagnosis in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

Diagnostics in cardiologic diseases:

Diagnostic procedure programs at Assuta Hospital

Today, the Assuta Hospital has several diagnostic service packages that include all the necessary methods that exist in world medical practice.

Silver Check-Up Program

This package is a basic body research program that includes:

For women, additional consultations are conducted with a mammologist and a gynecologist.

The cost of the diagnostic program “Silver Check-up”check with a medical representative.

Golden Check-Up Program

This package is a more in-depth body research program that includes:

The diagnostic program may include additional examinations:

The cost of the diagnostic program “Golden Check-up” – check with a medical representative.

Platinum Check-Up Program

This package is a complete body examination that includes the following procedures:

Also, additional examinations may be ordered:

The cost of the diagnostic program “Golden Check-up” – check with a medical representative.

At the conclusion of any diagnostic program, the patient consults a specialist to decipher the results of tests and make the most optimal treatment program. It should be noted that all diagnostic procedures are performed on modern equipment using proven protocols and in accordance with the strictest medical standards of the world.