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The beauty of your skin depends entirely on the health of your intestines

Did you know that skin problems are an indicator of an uncoordinated gut?

We are willing to spend a lot of time and money to fight a dull complexion, blackheads, irritation, dryness, flaking, etc. However, even the most branded expensive cosmetic product will be powerless if the problem is inside the body.


Radioactive radiation has been used for quite a long time to destroy cancer cells. During this process, the redox processes in cells are also disturbed, which leads to the accumulation of under-oxidized heavy radicals. Previously, healthy tissues were also exposed to radioactive radiation, which contributed to the development of complications, but now the modern method of treatment maximally targets the tumor, thereby not significantly damaging the surrounding healthy tissues.

The TEM method is a new technology for the treatment of rectal cancer in Israel.

TEM – transanal endoscopic microsurgery – is a revolutionary new method for the treatment of rectal cancer in Israel. Most Israeli clinics usually use a minimally invasive laparoscopic technique when performing surgery to remove a malignant tumor. This technology ensures a rapid recovery of the patient after the intervention, as the invasion of the body is minimally traumatic.

Precancerous condition: how to treat it

A precancerous condition or precancer is a process of pathological changes in body tissues with a high probability of their subsequent transformation into cancer cells. When the body is perfectly healthy, the likelihood of cancer is minimal. However, the catalyst for the emergence of a malignant tumor can be one or another disease. Healthy cells are reborn in several stages, which can be detected during the examination.