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We are told about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but few people stick to it.

After all, a healthy lifestyle includes not only giving up alcohol and nicotine. This includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, an adequate work schedule, rest, and more. However, the question arises: how does all this affect the development of cancer?

A large number of cases of cancer are associated with unhealthy lifestyles and environmental factors, rather than genetic causes, say scientists from Arizona State University in the United States.

Experts analyzed 12 studies that examined the relationship between lifestyle and cancer mortality. Participants ranged in age from 25 to 79.

It was found that adherence to cancer prevention recommendations reduced the risk of developing the disease from 10% to 45%. The probability of death decreased from 14% to 6%. Thus, the incidence of breast cancer decreased from 60% to 19%, endometrial cancer from 60% to 23%, and colon cancer from 52% to 27%.

Dr. Lindsay Kohler, author of the new study, said: “Poor diet, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking are responsible for more than 20 percent of cases of the disease – so by making lifestyle changes, you can reduce the likelihood of disease.”

It follows from this data that one in five cancer patients has self-inflicted malignancy.

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