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Professor Michael Schechter belongs to the category of the best modern cardiologists, whose activities perfectly overlap a high professional level and dedication to providing medical services to patients. In his vast and long career as a doctor, he has become an international specialist and today sees patients from all over the world.

He graduated from a medical university in Israel, after which he underwent a series of internships and practices in prestigious medical institutions in the country and abroad. For a long time, he worked as a cardiology specialist, after which he was invited for management positions.

His excellent clinical performance and successes in his work have been repeatedly evaluated by the world’s leading experts and MDs. He is the recipient of many awards, honors, and wide recognition among the vast medical community.

Today, he is very popular among Israeli and foreign patients who come to him for heart disease treatment. His expertise includes highly accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of virtually all existing cardiac diseases, as well as recommendations for surgical and therapeutic treatments.

Every year, hundreds of patients, both children and adults, are cured with its help. He excels in the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, cardiopulmonary hypertension and other characteristic diseases, as well as rehabilitation after them. It should be noted that his competence includes dietetics and issues of blood group compatibility.

Despite this clinical workload, he continues to tirelessly search for new opportunities in the treatment of cardiac diseases. He publishes the fruits of his work in scientific medical publications. His name is mentioned in various literature and manuals. The professor is also active in several international associations covering cardiology-related issues. The mutual exchange of academic and clinical experience enables new results in the search for innovative methods and the development of effective medical systems.

Moreover, he works as a lecturer at the Tel Aviv University Medical Institute. Here, he regularly gives lectures and trains future cardiologists of the country.