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Professor Jacob Schechter is a highly authoritative specialist in the treatment of one of the most aggressive types of skin cancer – melanoma. He is the organizer of Israel’s only medical center for melanoma and other skin cancers, the Ella Institute. Today, the professor has a private appointment at the Oncodermatology Department of the Assuta Medical Branch.

After graduating from the Medical University of Jerusalem, he had numerous internships and practices in public hospitals and advanced private Israeli clinics. Among all areas of medicine, he emphasized the study of metastatic melanoma, a a very aggressive form whose malignant process reaches stages 3 and 4.

The main emphasis in the treatment of advanced stages of the disease, the professor makes on the use of immunotherapy. Under his leadership, an experimental TIL therapy was developed that has a very promising track record. In most cases, immunological treatment can stop the development of the malignant process, as well as achieve complete recovery of the patient, even in the severe form of the disease at the extreme stage with metastases. An additional and important advantage of this treatment is the complete absence of side effects.

Professor Yaakov Shekhter is known as a high-level specialist far beyond the borders of Israel. Patients from all over the world, with various skin conditions, regularly come to him and are happy with the results of treatment. Jacob Schechter is a specialist not only in creating a treatment program, but also in the expediency of diagnostic procedures: biopsy, tomographic studies, various methods of early diagnosis, etc. His work experience is more than 30 years, and during this period, he has treated more than a thousand patients who successfully defeated melanoma.

The professor’s scientific activity leaves fruit for the development of medicine. He actively participates in international associations on various cancer issues. The main emphasis is on research and development of combined radiation and chemotherapy methods.

Through his efforts, oncodermatology in Israel has reached a new level. Moreover, the professor attaches great importance to the psychological environment in treating patients. High professionalism, plus humanity and benevolence are the necessary qualities of a real doctor, which Yakov Shekhter corresponds to.