Professor Shpirer Abraham is an internationally qualified ophthalmologist with unquestionable authority in the treatment of eye diseases in children and adults. He was widely recognized as a specialist who performed strabismus surgery flawlessly. Today it remains in demand all over the world.
He received his basic education at an Israeli university, followed by an internship and residency in America. After completing his studies in Western countries, the professor returned to Israel to complete his residency at the renowned Humboldt Medical Center. Shiba. Today, he serves as head of the Department of Ophthalmology as well as the Strabismus Department within the clinic.
The ophthalmic surgeon uses the latest technological developments and therapeutic diagnostic methods in his work. The professor pays special attention to the study of congenital or acquired strabismus. Over the years of his work, you can count about a thousand patients who have been permanently rid of this problem with the help of the professor.
The professor’s expertise includes: treatment of various pathologies of the cornea, lacrimal-nasal canal, eyelids, blepharoplasty; treatment of strabismus at any age; conservative and modern treatment and diagnostic program. On a daily basis, as a consulting surgeon, he sees patients with ophthalmic problems and supervises the surgical process. Thanks to his high level of professionalism and unique approach, the professor remains in demand not only in Israel but also in foreign countries.
The professor is the author of a huge number of monographs and articles covering eye diseases in children and newborns. Many of his scientific works are devoted to the study of pathologies of the visual organ and the search for new surgical methods of treatment of ophthalmic diseases. He is also very often published as a co-author in many books and articles for medical journals.
The results of his scientific work are subject to worldwide evaluation. He is a regular speaker at international conferences on pediatric ophthalmology. Under the direction of the professor, various clinical studies are taking place and are also being implemented in practice as part of . His involvement in the development of scientific and technological breakthroughs has given sight to thousands of patients, both adults and children.