Dr. Leonid Sternik is an unrivaled authority on cardiac surgery on a global scale. Every year, with the help of his qualification skills and vast experience, thousands of patients are discharged who have recovered from various cardiovascular diseases. It is no exaggeration to say that he is considered one of the best and most sought-after cardiac surgeons in the country.
He received his basic academic education in Russia, after which he went to Israel and then to the United States. In general, he had many years of practice and training, during which he became a highly qualified specialist, which led to his elevation to the head of one of the cardiology departments of the Sheba Medical Center Today, he sees patients at the Assuta private clinic.
His high level of professional skills and extensive clinical experience are known not only in Israel but also abroad. Patients from all over the world come to him for professional advice and appropriate treatment. In his competence, he performs the most complex operations, among which are: endoprosthesis of the aortic valve; ablation in atrial fibrillation; surgery in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; coronary artery bypass grafting, and many others. Thus, we can say without a doubt that the experience of cardiac surgeon Sternik, who specializes in modern techniques for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, is virtually unmatched.
Despite his busy clinical schedule, the doctor devotes a great deal of time to research in his area of specialization. He has published a large number of scientific papers covering the topics of improving surgical techniques for the treatment of cardiac diseases. Directly participated in more than 100 scientific studies. He participated in the publication of medical textbooks and journals.
The doctor’s excellent work is admired not only by patients who have been treated by him, but also by most of his colleagues and international experts. The doctor is greatly admired among the cadres of medical universities, the future cardiac surgeons of the country.
According to many medical experts, including the doctor himself, this versatile approach to expanding his specialty allows him to achieve new results that improve modern cardiac surgical techniques.