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Dr. Felix Bookstein has established himself as an internationally competent specialist in oncology, neurology and neuro-oncology. He contributed greatly to the development of neuro-oncology as a priority branch of medicine in Israel. As an expert in all areas of neuro-oncology, Dr. Bookstein focuses his research on one of the most aggressive classes of diseases: brain tumors.

After graduating from Moscow University, Dr. Bukstein continued his studies at several prestigious medical institutions in Israel. For decades, he has studied the field of neuro-oncology, which includes the full spectrum of diseases, and has also focused on researching the most promising treatments. In a fairly short period of time, he rose considerably in his career, earned prestige among his honorable colleagues, and became head of the department of neuro-oncology at the Center. “Ichilov.

For the development of this department, Dr. Bookstein is actively engaged in research work in collaboration with internationally renowned medical experts in the field. He is a member of the international neurooncology communities and associations as an expert. The results of his research are regularly published in prestigious medical journals, which are in demand among fellow medical students and staff of medical institutions. He passes on his invaluable academic experience to a new generation of doctors as a lecturer at the Tel Aviv Medical School.

Patients from all over the world recognize Dr. Bookstein as a highly qualified specialist and simply a reliable person. On his account are more than a thousand patients who have successfully overcome such diseases as: tumors of the brain and spinal cord (glioblastoma, meningioma, astrocytoma); cancerous pathologies of the peripheral nerves; various diseases of the peripheral nervous system and other diseases in a similar sphere.

To top it all off, he has been incredibly successful in treating epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and speech-language disorders. His unique individual approach to any diagnosis, as well as his tremendous interest in the patient’s recovery, was always sought after by his patients and admired by his coworkers. By his example, he encourages the self-improvement of staff-students, as well as current and future professionals.