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Professor Avi Ben-Haroush is considered one of the best experts in obstetrics and gynecology and is credited with the most successful in-vitro fertilization and infertility treatments. Over the years, he has become an international specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of virtually all diseases related to gynecology.

He received his medical education at the University of Israel, after which he successfully completed advanced courses in obstetrics and gynecology. He was always brilliant in practice, resulting in a second academic degree. He worked for many years as a specialist and eventually became assigned as a supervisor in various programs.

Avi Ben-Harush belongs to the category of specialists who are not limited to the medical profession and strive to continuously improve not only their skills but also medicine in general. In parallel with his work in the clinic, he devoted an enormous amount of time to scientific research, preparing publications covering the subject of infertility, giving lectures, and taking direct part in the publication of medical textbooks.

It should be mentioned that the professor is an excellent educator. He passes on his invaluable clinical and academic experience to a new generation of obstetricians and gynecologists. He also leads workshops and participates in global professional societies that collectively address all issues related to IVF, infertility treatment, and gynecological problems in general.

Today, he represents the IVF Center in Israel, which is hugely successful and in demand all over the world. In his practice, he uses many modern variants of in vitro fertilization, which differ in the method of intervention. The main goal in the treatment of patients is an individual approach, which allows you to find the most ideal option for each patient individually.

He has also established himself as a specialist in general gynecology and provides consultation, diagnosis and treatment of various problems related to this area. Patients from all over the world come to him to receive quality and reliable medical services. In carrying out surgical procedures of any complexity, the professor is guided by the goal of preserving patients’ fertile function.