Veronica Chernukha

Patients from all over the world sign up for treatment with Dr. Chernukha. The doctor is constantly improving her knowledge, following the achievements of world medicine, plus she herself is making a significant contribution to the development of her field of medical interest.
Zoan Dutan

Dr. Zoan Dutan has established himself as a highly qualified expert of international standing for consultation and excellent treatment of patients with diseases in the field of uro-oncology.
Ilan Leibovich

Professor Ilan Leibovich has established himself as a leading expert in the field of surgical and oncological urology. He is a true international specialist who excels at treating patients with malignant diseases
Topaz Maurice

Dr. Topaz Maurice is an expert in plastic surgery, using only the latest techniques and developments of the latest generation in his practice. It performs the most complex operations that are not performed in other countries.