Julia Greenberg

Dr. Julia Greenberg is Israel’s leading oncologist, a world-renowned specialist in chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Ella Tepper

Dr. Ella Tepper has the status of a leading international oncologist. She is rightfully recognized as one of the most in-demand specialists, whose work is also focused on the development of the latest technologies for the treatment of cancer pathologies.
Felix Bookstein

Dr. Felix Bookstein is one of the directors of the hospital’s neurooncology department who has made incredible strides in treating epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, headaches and speech-language problems. He is fluent in the most advanced techniques for treating cancerous tumors of the spinal cord and brain
Iryna Zhevelyuk

Dr. Iryna Zhevelyuk is a radiation oncologist and chemotherapist of the highest caliber. In her 20 years of clinical experience, the doctor has become a true specialist internationally and to this day tirelessly continues to pursue new opportunities
Dan Aderka

Professor Dan Aderka is a world-renowned leading gastroenterological oncologist. One of the best specialists in the treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasms. Head of the department of therapy of tumors of the abdominal cavity. More than 30 years of successful practice. The number of patients over these years, whom the doctor has helped to cure or significantly improved their condition, is in the thousands.
Moshe Inbar

Professor Moshe Inbar is an internationally renowned specialist and an unquestionable authority in the field of clinical oncology. In parallel with his clinical work, he holds a leadership position in the department of oncology at Ichilov-Suraski, the largest medical center in Israel.
Ofer Merimsky

Professor Ofer Merimsky is a distinguished oncologist specializing in the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas, brain and spine tumors, breast cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and gastrointestinal neoplasms. Head of the Department of Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma. Total medical experience – about 40 years.
Eliyahu Gez

Professor Eliyahu Gez is a renowned oncologist, a highly qualified specialist in the field of uro-oncology. In his 25 years of experience as a doctor, he has achieved the status of an internationally renowned professor as well as a prestigious reputation in the field.
Ella Naparstek

Professor Ella Naparstek is a reputable doctor of the highest category, a specialist of international level in the field of onco-hematology. The basis of her professional activities includes practically the entire spectrum of blood diseases.
Jacob Schechter

Professor Jacob Schechter is an oncologist, oncodermatologist, and head of the Skin Cancer Research and Treatment Institute. one of the most experienced oncology specialists in the world